Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food

30 April 2009

Rocket Boost Ranking by Technorati

under my umbrellaImage by TheAlieness GiselaGiardino²³ via Flickr

From Denny: Quite the delightfully unexpected today! Technorati boosted this blog's ranking up 300,000 in one day, yes, the number is correct. I had to rub my eyes and look at it several times. From time to time you can get a 30,000 to 50,000 boost and that's rare - but this much...? The usual ranking boost is by 5,000 per day when things are going well. So this new stat really caught me by surprise.

There are over half a BILLION blogs on the planet right now and Technorati follows only 100 MILLION. I was thrilled to be in the top 10 million a few months ago, working from the cellar of 20 million. Then about a month ago had worked my way into the top one million. Life was good in my mind!

Well, now Technorati has this little blog ranked in the 600,000's overnight! Looks like I better be on my best behavior from here on out...! ;)

Anyway, THANK YOU, everyone, for supporting, subscribing, visiting from time to time, and just cruising through The Healing Waters for a brief glance while exploring the blogosphere! This blog just keeps growing and morphing in response to YOU and what is going on in our world right now. Thanks for your emails as well as your generous reading support.

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Ready Reference: Health News Links and Google Swine Flu World Map

Photo by Igor Zenin

From Denny: Considering how nervous people are getting with the growing negative news about the current (now global) pandemic of the swine flu outbreak, I've started a place of Health News Links and the new Google Swine Flu World Map above the posting area for your ready reference so you can stay up to date. As I continue to find more quality reliable news links they will be added.

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29 April 2009

'Good' cholesterol may guard against MS disability

World map showing that risk (incidence) for MS...Image via Wikipedia

From Denny: This is an interesting development that popped up in the health news today at Reuters and good news at that! Researchers believe that high levels of HDL - the good cholesterol - just might help protect against disabilities related to multiple sclerosis (MS).

Good Cholesterol has anti-inflammatory properties

Since MS is known as a disease that involves chronic inflammation, and good cholesterol is known as possessing anti-inflammatory properties, this is good news in the treatment of MS. Improving the diet of an MS patient may go a long way to benefiting them.

Change your diet, says the study

The study, from the State University of New York at Buffalo, was reported at a Seattle, Washington annual meeting of the American Academy of Neurology. This is preliminary data suggesting support for the theory that MS patients should have their HDL levels checked. If they are low they can be raised through the use of statins and fish oil (omega 3) supplements which will increase the good cholesterol levels.

The six-year study involved 186 MS patients whose average age was 50 years whose clinical, demographic and HDL data was analyzed. At the beginning of the study close to 50% had high HDL levels while 20% had low levels.

What did researchers find?

There developed a clear association between the good cholesterol levels and the level of disability. Lower HDL levels showed greater disability.

"Increase in HDL is an important factor known to prevent cardiovascular events but also appears beneficial in preventing chronic inflammation," Weinstock-Guttman noted from the study, adding that both statins and omega-3s have preliminarily shown "beneficial effects for MS patients."

More studies needed to take it to the next level

As usual, researchers want to look into more studies about this new finding. The next logical step, they believe, is to study the relationship between the HDL levels and the progression of the MS disease.

Considering how serious and debilitating a disease is MS, today brought some very good news, especially when something as easy to do as a diet tailored to create less inflammation may go a long way to providing great benefit.

In the map illustration is the risk factor for getting MS associated with where you live in the world. The dark blue is highest risk, the red is second highest risk, the gold is low risk, the yellow even lower, and green the lowest.

Here is an interesting very positive and practical personal blog about what it is like to live with MS on a daily basis:

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28 April 2009

Women Who Keep Ovaries Live Longer

Female internal reproductive anatomy.Image via Wikipedia

From Denny: The latest study in the May issue of the journal Obstetrics & Gynecology is quite dramatic. For decades now, every year there are hundreds of thousands of women who have undergone hysterectomies (removal of the uterus) along with removal of their ovaries that medical professionals believed would protect them from developing ovarian cancer, a rare cancer, usually only done on women with family histories of high risk. Now a new study reveals that the women who at least kept their ovaries were found to live longer and healthier.

Surpise Finding of Developing Heart Disease

The surprise finding was that the women who removed their ovaries were more likely to develop heart disease and a higher percentage to die during that 24-year follow-up. They were successful at developing fewer breast cancers and eliminated ovarian cancer but at what price? Looks like they traded eliminating ovarian cancer for heart disease and a shorter life.

35 Year Practice in Gynecology

This was a true long-term study of a 24-year follow-up and came from the famous Nurses' Health Study. This detailed study really raises questions about this widespread and 35-year practice. Right now the statistics are that about 300,000 women a year undergo hysterectomies and about half of them get their ovaries removed as well.

“This study shows that you’re more likely to die if you have your ovaries taken out, unless you’re among a group of women with a family history that places you at high risk for ovarian cancer or breast cancer,” said the lead author, Dr. William H. Parker of the John Wayne Cancer Institute in Santa Monica, Calif. Ovarian cancer is rare; it is also difficult to detect and because it is difficult to discover it is often deadly.

Harvard Nurses' Health Study & 24-Year Follow-Up

Thre were 29,380 women who participated in the Harvard Nurses’ Health Study. Of those only 34 died of ovarian cancer who had kept their ovaries. In the study there were 16,345 who had a hysterectomy and with both ovaries removed. There were 13,035 who had a hysterectomy but kept their ovaries.

Results of Group Who Had Ovaries Removed

What were the results for the first group of those who had a hysterectomy and with both ovaries removed?

* 895 cases of breast cancer, a 25% lower risk than those who kept their ovaries.

* 96% less risk of ovarian cancer (just 5 cases)

* 12% more likely to die during the follow-up period.

* 17% higher risk of heart disease than those with ovaries.

* 17% greater risk of dying of cancer.

* greater risk for lung cancer, a surprise finding.

* higher risks of heart disease and death was higher for women who had hysterectomies with ovaries removal before age 50 that did not take estrogen in comparison to women with hysterectomy before age 50 who kept their ovaries.

Controversial Estrogen Usage

The debate will rage on about the controversial use of estrogen and how it plays a role in heart disease among women. "Dr. Parker and other experts suggested that women who kept their ovaries lived longer because even though the ovaries make less estrogen after menopause, they produce androstenedione and testosterone, which are converted into estrogen by fat and muscle."

A Doctor's Opinion

Dr. Isaac Schiff, chief of obstetrics and gynecology at Massachusetts General Hospital and a professor at Harvard School of Medicine, said the study did not mean that women undergoing hysterectomies should never have their ovaries removed.

“A woman with a strong family history of ovarian cancer or breast cancer should still be given the option of having her ovaries removed,” said Dr. Schiff, who was not involved in the study. “The individual patient should be given the information, and decide what’s best for her.”

But that is a change from the past, he said, adding, “We used to just arbitrarily say, ‘If you’re over 45, have your ovaries taken out.’ ”

Taoism Teachings

I'm with the Taoists who figured out thousands of years ago it was not a good idea to take out inner organs if you could avoid it. I've argued with fellow women for years not to do this procedure as so many do it just because "everyone else is doing it" - no kidding, a peer pressure phenomenon. Many times women are poorly diagnosed and just want relief so they go ahead with the procedure, often used for everything but cancer prevention.

It took a while but my intuition proved right: keep some hormones in your body as you will live longer - just like that old Taoist spiritual adept taught me when I was an American high school kid in Taiwan. His advice proved invaluable to me all these years.

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27 April 2009

4 Chocolate Articles and Recipes You Might Enjoy

Cover of "Chocolate (From Farm to You - M...Cover via Amazon

From Denny: Since I have to travel out of town on Mondays and get back late in the day (wishing I had the time to research and write another health article) ... thought I'd round up some chocolate articles as highlights this week from one of my other blogs, Romancing The Chocolate. Finally, scientists agree with all the women (and some men) in the world that chocolate belongs as one of the major food groups! :) Enjoy!

Recipe: Chicken and Pistachio Mocha Mole Sauce

Recipe: Chocolate Espresso Bars

Recipe: Chocolate-Banana Croissant Panini

Recipe: Chocolate-Amaretti Heartbreakers

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26 April 2009

5 Food Articles and Videos You Might Enjoy

From Denny: All my nine blogs are basically a research and reading list of interesting subjects I find on the web from day to day. Sometimes, I have to remind myself that the folks who subscribe to one blog don't subscribe to another! :) (BTW, THANKS for subscribing, much appreciated!)

I used to try and bookmark a lot of this on StumbleUpon and other sites and found it took far longer than throwing it up on a blog and then linking to a social site!

So, I thought I'd start making the effort to cross-pollinate the blogs so if you missed something you might find useful or interesting on other blogs besides the one you are reading right now - sort of a roundup of the past week's best I've found or re-written for an easier read.

Here are 5 selections from the Comfort Food From Louisiana blog that also include videos to enjoy. Take a look!

Recipes and video: Spring Comfort Food on a Budget From Former Ballerina (turned chef) - wonderful easy menu!

Drink: Concord Berry Sparkle - simple, easy with or without alcohol.

Appetizer: Warm Pepperoni Pizza Olives - weekend snacking with lots of protein.

New Orleans Restaurant Review and Recipes: Boucherie - from a regional magazine that gives you prices, addresses, recipes in case you decide to visit New Orleans you will know what to expect.

New Trend on Grocery Savings - Grocery Auctions! - how America is adjusting to a down economy and still eating well!

25 April 2009

Slap That Cold Silly with Food as Medicine

Slap That Cold Silly with Food as Medicine: "Utilize spices in your food to give healing support to that cold or flu. Here’s an easy exotic and delicious soup recipe when you are feeling miserable. Soup recipe included."

By Denny Lyon @ HubPages

From Denny: This is a popular article. While it may be almost early summer and hot here in Louisiana it sure isn't in other parts of the country and world! After all it snowed in Colorado this month. On the news is the latest about a new outbreak of flu.

What is good about this article and soup recipe is that it gives real information about the properties of food and how they can benefit a situation with a cold, flu or allergy symptoms. Lentils and beans both act as astringents, pulling excess water out of the body. For that reason alone this is a good and practical read! :) We all know the miseries of a stuffy and runny nose.

Spices are another forgotten food in our modern culture and contain many healthful properties waiting to be rediscovered by us today!

Photo of paprika peppers by meaduva @ flickr

24 April 2009

Science Articles You Might Enjoy

From Denny: Since I have too many interests I've parked them on other blogs in addition to this one. Apparently, most people start a blog, lose interest, abandon the first one to start another blog. Not me. I just keep expanding to ADD more blogs! (totally crazy, I suppose - but hey! I'm happy...)

Anyway, articles about how the brain works, astronomy, psychology, some math and physics on basic levels is what I park over at the blog The Soul Calendar. It keeps climbing in the traffic rankings quite nicely and I happily write about whatever catches my interest for the week! Life is good!

I'm still poking around the web for children's resources for parents and science projects readers might find interesting. If you know of any sites or projects, speak up and shoot me an email at, much appreciated!

Here are a few posts you might find an interesting read:

Is My Brain Making Me Buy Things I Don't Need?

Double Amputees Shed Light on Brain's Flexibility

Robolegs Help People Walk

Hurricane-Killing, Space-Based Power Plants

NASA Photo by Image Editor @ flickr

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23 April 2009

What Can Friends Do for Your Health? A Lot!

Want a powerful weapon to fight illness or depression? Friends. Want to speed your illness recovery time? Friends. Want to slow down your aging and prolong your life? Yes, friends!

Friends and other social networks are powerful tools in your personal arsenal for wellness. It took a ten year study from Australia to figure out what sociable people had figured out long ago: a support network boosts and helps maintain our health.

What the study revealed is that the older people who have a circle of friends were less likely to die during that decade of study by 22% than those with far fewer friends.

This past year Harvard researchers have found out that the friendships of strong social ties go a long way to brain health as we age.

At the University of North Carolina, Greensboro, a professor of sociology by the name of Rebecca G. Adams, was baffled there is so little research done of friendships. Plenty is done on the family and marriage relationships but not friends. Amazingly, it is the friendships in our lives that has a stronger psychological impact and well-being on us than family ones.

In 2006, there was a study done of 3,000 nurses who had breast cancer. Researchers discovered that "the women without close friends were four times more likely to die from the disease as the women who had at least 10 close friends or more." Interestingly enough, how close by the friends lived did not matter nor did how often they contacted them. Just the fact they had friends who were part of their support group helped with their survival.

A psychology professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara, Bella DePaulo, notes that having a spouse isn't associated with survival. It's friendship that has proved more helpful than spouses or family members in many studies.

Most of these studies cited were focued upon the friendships of women. Researchers believe men can also benefit from friendships. There was a six-year study done in Sweden on middle-aged men. They found friendships helped with the risk of heart attack and fatal coronary disease. They also found smoking was a negative like a lack of social support.

Researchers are still speculating as to why the dynamics of friendship are so effective. They postulate that those people with friends experience less stress as studies show they contract fewer colds than those without good support.

“People with stronger friendship networks feel like there is someone they can turn to,” said Karen A. Roberto, director of the center for gerontology at Virginia Tech. “Friendship is an undervalued resource. The consistent message of these studies is that friends make your life better.”

Written by Denny Lyon
Photo by Gwennypics @ flickr

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22 April 2009

Passed 100th post milestone!

From Denny: Well, I hear we blogger types are supposed to jump up and brag about reaching the 100th post milestone. ;) You can tell I'm really "great" about some anniversaries as I've already passed that milestone with now 163 posts. Oh, well, so much for showing off!

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Cute Things Falling

I kid you not. This guy collected a bunch of videos of baby animals and humans, yes, really, just falling asleep. If you ever have trouble falling asleep some night just come on over here at my blog for the link or over to his blog. Trust me. You will be asleep in no time. My eye lids got heavy just after watching a few of those silly videos.

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21 April 2009

Video: Teaching Kids Who Stutter to Achieve Through the Arts

From Denny: Here's a wonderful segment from NBC's Making A Difference teaching kids with stuttering how to achieve their full potential through the arts. Take a look!

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20 April 2009

Video: Surgery Offers Hope for Cerebral Palsy

"Cerebral Palsy is a brain injury that affects motor control, stiffening muscles and making movement difficult and sometimes painful."

From Denny: Profiled by NBC News is this adorable two year old little girl, Lili, who is dealing with cerebral palsy. Right now the doctors are predicting that some day she might not be able to walk at all. Why? Because with this condition the muscles can't keep up with the growth of the bone. As the bone grows it pulls on the muscle but the muscle can't stretch to accommodate the growth.

At St. Louis Children's Hospital they are pioneering a surgical technique to increase mobility by relieving much of the stiffness. This could turn out to be a life-changing surgery for those who qualify. Remember, this IS spinal surgery so not exactly a procedure without risk.

So far this spinal surgery that relieves the muscle spasms has helped over 1800 kids AND with a 100% success rate. Take a look at Lili's improvement after only five months since her surgery!

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19 April 2009

Popping A Zit Can Kill You?!

From Denny: Kind of a gross subject but there are those folks with compromised immune systems who are unaware of it and can actually die of a severe skin infection just from messing with their acne. A dermatologist talks with a medical reporter about a wide range of acne treatments available today that have a hgih cure rate. Take a look!

Watch CBS Videos Online

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18 April 2009

The Pill and Gaining Muscle

From Denny: For women, taking The Pill for avoiding "the baby bump" has had its ups and downs over the decades. The latest downer is that taking the pill, well, can make you fitness flabby. Apparently, the pill lowers that happy male hormone, testosterone, that makes it possible for us to build muscle easily. It is possible to get fit and stay fit while taking the pill, however, you are going to have to work at it a lot harder than if you were off the pill. There are some added benefits to taking the pill listed in the video. Take a look!

href="">Watch CBS Videos Online

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17 April 2009

Broccoli Sprouts May Be Germ Fighters

broccoli sproutsBroccoli Sprouts Image by KatieL366 via Flickr

From Cancer Prevention Research comes something interesting: eating your way to health as opposed to just taking drugs that are not always as effective.

Apparently, there is a particular germ called Helicobactor pylori that is responsible for most peptic ulcers and strongly associated with stomach cancer.

It was a very small study of only 50 people already infected with the germ and they were studied over an eight week period. Divided into two groups, each dined on two and one half ounces of sprouts, one group ate broccoli sprouts and the other ate alfalfa sprouts.

What the study found through the usual blood and fecal tests is that the broccoli diners had significantly lowered the levels of their infection. Sadly, the alfalfa crowd was left out in the cold as unimproved on the infection front.

Dr. Fahey, a co-author of this small study and a researcher at Johns Hopkins, notes that there are antibiotic drugs available for this infection but they have most unpleasant side effects.

While this is too small a study to draw big conclusions, the researchers are hopeful to later prove the same reduction in levels of infection in larger trials.

In summary, what positive and helpful conclusion that can be draw from this small study is it is wise to shift our dietary habits. Any time through diet that we can reduce inflammation in the body as this study did prove because the infection levels went down, we can go a long way to help improve chronic disease.

Conclusion? Eat your cruciferous vegetables! Besides, broccoli has a lot of calcium in it too, even more than milk. Changing your diet never tasted so good and with such little effort for maximum benefits.

Written by Denny Lyon

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16 April 2009

Drink Coffee: Lower Risk of Uterine Cancer

  * Description: Coffee cortado (An latte...Image via Wikipedia

From Denny: If you needed yet another good excuse for drinking that extra cup of coffee or tea this is it! A new study out suggests that drinking coffee and tea may help reduce the risk of endrometrial cancer (lining of the uterus).

It seems researchers are just now looking at the role of diet. They already have established other factors as indicators for risk like older age, obesity, late menopause and estrogen therapy after menopause.

The study was comprised of 1,100 women who were drinkers or non-drinkers of coffee and tea. They found the drinkers had a lower risk of this uterine cancer.

What were the stats? According to the report in the International Journal of Cancer, women who were drinking at least four cups or a day of coffee AND tea were found to have only half the incidence of endrometrial cancer as the non-drinkers in the study. Women who drank at least two cups of tea a day were found to have a lower risk by 44%. As to women who ONLY drank about two cups of coffee a day there was a lower risk as well by 29%.

Why do coffee and tea protect against this type of cancer? Researchers can only speculate right now, thinking it is the caffeine. One idea they put forth is that caffeine does induce certain enzymes that can help neutralize what might prove to be potentially harmful cancer-causing substances.

We have all been reading about antioxidants for years to know that may also be a factor: flavonoids, catechins and isoflavones. These substances all protect the body's cells from damage which eventually could lead to cancer.

These beverage drinkers seem to also have a lower body weight which may be of help.

For now, researchers are only suggesting there is a strong association between the beverages of coffee and tea lowering the risk of uterine cancer. Whether these beverages are actually responsible for lowering the risk requires more research to prove.

Written by Denny Lyon

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Posting Problems

From Denny: Sunday, Monday and Tuesday have been difficult times to try and post anything. Not sure why. Could be global internet traffic is highest on Tuesdays and Wednesdays (Monday and Tuesday in American time zone). Could be the computer worm going around driving servers insane courtesy of hacker jerks that are probably mostly comprised of intelligence community guys from countries all over the world.

What I have managed to post has gotten scrambled from time to time. Sorry for the inconvenience. I always go back to proof read and catch the errors, usually within minutes of posting. Lightning storms in my area haven't helped that process and have been delayed. If you see something I didn't catch within a day or two, please feel free to let me know as it would be much appreciated!

Fun photo by gidibao @ flickr

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Video: Science of Stress

From Denny: Chronic stress can lower bone density and cause any number of health problems like diabetes, heart disease or neurological disease. Stress can by physical or mental. What is important is to know your ability to process both good and bad stress. The reporter went through some stress tests, both physical and mental, to test herself.

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15 April 2009

Video: Susan Boyle - Singer - Britains Got Talent 2009 (With Lyrics)

This lady is astounding! What is more fun is to watch the faces of the cynical types change when she begins to sing: priceless!

From CNN who finally had a version that was not disabled for embedding:


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Banish Fear Through Community

Sylvester the JesterImage via Wikipedia

From Denny: While researching for my quotes blog, Beautiful Illustrated Quotations, I ran across this story which was related to the quote. What a wonderful short article and well written!

For the past eight years our American politicians have been pulling out all the stops to keep the public jacked up into the stratosphere on fear. That can only go on for so long without devastating consequences to the society's culture. People have quit trusting anyone and everyone, even the neighbors they have said hello to for years. Our culture has become that negative.

The folks over at this site are making the effort to teach people how to re-establish a thriving healthy community. The article was originally written for April Fools Day as an introduction to talking about the fear of making a fool of yourself in front of others. OK, so this guy's word choices are not squeaky clean, don't let that stop you from reading his valid points:

"In more modern times especially since 9-11, fear has dominated Western culture with fear of terrorists and fear of violence cutting everyone off from one another. There’s a huge horror film industry built around fear and so many popular television shows exploit and increase our sense of insecurity about the world.

On the personal front, fear of making a fool out of ourselves and fear of f***ing up keep us quiet and locked up inside our heads."

Take a look to read Banish Fear Through Community, go here.

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14 April 2009

Gorgeous Peony Photos

CHONGQING, CHINA - MARCH 31:  A Chinese girl s...Image by Getty Images via Daylife

From Denny: I must really have a bad case of Spring Fever. Just survived the onslaught of an unusually bad pollen season - and what am I doing? Going through flickr for photos of my favorite flower, the Peony!

They are exquisite. Something about viewing flowers is a real stress reliever. Take a look for yourself as it is Monday, the most stressful day of the work week! The fabulous peony photos are located on my photo blog, Visual Insights, go here.

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Video: Power Food 'Couples'

Learn what foods paired together give us maximum benefit!

From Denny: This really interesting. Wish it was a longer video as it only covered a few food combinations and the reasoning as to what boosted benefits you receive by eating these combinations. For example, if you like hamburgers, a high fat meal, follow it with a low-fat serving of yogurt. Why? The calcium in the dairy product combines with the fat and blocks the fat from being absorbed. This is great for your weight loss program! Hmmm... so is this why I've been eating so much ice cream lately...? :)

Watch CBS Videos Online

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13 April 2009

Video: Test Predicts Menopause Start

From Denny: What a lot of women want to know. Many women start careers and desire to put off having children until financially secure. An interview with Dr. Jennifer Ashton. This blood test is currently available only from your doctor, any where from $100 to $400. They hope to bring it to over-the-counter status soon. Remember: Life style choices like smoking can accelerate the onset of menopause. Informative short video!

Watch CBS Videos Online

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12 April 2009


From Denny: From my rose garden to yours this year! Louisiana is in full bloom and the worst of pollen season is finally done. These are Tiffany roses. They practically glow from within with the golden hearts and the light perfumed scent is absolutely DIVINE!

Happy Easter to all! May this be a wonderful time of spiritual renewal for you whatever belief system you hold in your heart...

For more wonderful Easter photos from flickr friends and a few special ones of my own, check out the photo blog: Visual Insights.

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11 April 2009

Video: Obama Revamps Food Safety System

From Denny: Apparently, I missed this video during pollen season here in Louisiana. Usually, pollen season doesn't affect me but I guess this year no such luck, maybe global warming is to blame, and was in a regular mind fog, missing lots of news.

Here President Obama talks about how is going about revamping the American food safety system. Really no President really has bothered to tackle most of our infrastructure systems once they are in place. Everyone knows a house doesn't take care of itself. A house requires constant maintenance. For too long, important but not sexy or interesting, parts of our infrastructure have required revamping. Let's hope he can work wonders within his first term. It's a huge system to overhaul when you are talking about 300 million people.

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10 April 2009

Video: The Worst ‘So-Called’ Healthy Foods

From Denny: Boy! This video sure is an eye-opener. While I knew a lot of this, there was a lot I was not aware of that is masquerading as healthy food. We consumers get the truth massaged for us a little too much by the marketing and restaurant industry! Take a look and tell me what you think.

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09 April 2009

Video: Back on Your Feet Running Club Helps Get Homeless Back into Society

Back on Your Feet Running Club helps homeless back into society – From NBC News Making a Difference segment.

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08 April 2009

Video: Baby born with foot in brain

From NBC News Videos, comes this miracle baby's story of such a rare birth condition it has never been recorded in medical history. Happy ending! He is doing well now after his surgery. Great story from The Today Show.

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07 April 2009

Dark Chocolate Helps Memory

Dark Chocolate Helps Memory - Did you know that according to numerous scientific studies, dark chocolate (not the milk chocolate variety) is actually good for your brain and circulatory system?

by maricarbo @ HubPages

From Denny: I just love it when science actually tastes good! Does it get any better that chocolate is as good for your brain as it is your heart? Cool!

Photo by starmist1 @ flickr

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06 April 2009

Follow Fellow Bloggers!

New Horizons at liftoffImage via Wikipedia

Most of the folks who follow this blog (THANK YOU!) and all my other blogs subscribe to feeds from feedburner, MyBlogLog and several other sources, even email. Not too many have ever used Blogger's Follower function. Maybe it's perceived as Old School?

A couple of weeks ago I dumped as many gadgets as I could from these blogs in order to speed up the page loadings. So, added back in is the area where if you are a fellow blogger on Blogspot you can follow this blog too.

(In proper circus barker loud voice) Step right up, folks! Join up on a rising popular blog! OK, now, no pushing and shoving to the head of the line like this is a 95% off sale...! :)

Seriously, thanks everyone for supporting all my blogs. It's been a blast to start them a few months ago just out of curiosity to see what would happen. Besides the fact I have learned a lot, and still learning, it's been fun to watch the blogs' traffic rankings go from the cellar skyrocketing upward toward the heavens! Every day lately every blog has grown by 100,000 or more in global traffic ranking according to the Alexa software. Pretty cool!

I have no idea where all of us are going but one thing is for sure - we will all enjoy the rocket ride! Thanks for becoming part of my growing community. You are well loved.

Just scroll on down toward the bottom of this page near the visitors count and you will find the Blogger followers area. Thanks for joining! I'm currently carrying over 5,000 feeds (mostly in Bloglines) so let me know and I'll be glad to join yours too!

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Video: Hair Stylist Gives Free Haircuts to Job Seekers

Burlington, Massachusetts – hair stylist on her day off comes in to give free haircuts to women looking for jobs. Watch this wonderful video from NBC News Making a Difference segment.

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