From Denny:
Hello, everyone! Thanks for joining up and taking The Healing Waters feed!
Since I started this blog a few months ago, the aim was to provide articles to help people help heal themselves on many levels.
Give me a shout if you want to view something in particular that I haven't gotten around to posting. If you like something in particular then let me know that too and I'll scout around for more of it from a wider variety of writers for you.
You can leave comments here on this blog. If you want to leave private comments then feel free to contact me, Denny Lyon: warriorspearl@gmail.com.
The whole point of this blog is that it is meant to be a healing resource for you! Some days all we need is a kind word or two to help get us back in balance. Sometimes, just a beautiful photo is so soothing! Or a humorous photo gets us laughing again!
Some days we need more, much more. That's why I put a feed here from Bruce Elkin, life coach out of Canada. He's an easy-going guy who specializes in working with very sensitive artistic people like poets, writers, artists and photographers. He's equally adept in working with business folks and frazzled stay-at-home moms and dads.
I found him over at HubPages where I am writing and really liked him. He even likes poetry! That makes him cool in my book! :) I have a poetry blog too: The Social Poets.
Most of all I really enjoy his articles as they are so timely for folks who are severely stressed from this chaotic economy. Any writer I put up here either writes in a way that appeals to me as a fellow writer or at the least they have some useful information and an interesting take on a subject.
If you found Bruce helpful be sure to drop him a line at HubPages. He's a sociable guy and would enjoy hearing from you.
BTW, did you notice the new slideshow I put together for you at the top of the page? It's a whole lot of photos from my friends over at flickr. There is so much beauty in the world and they captured a lot of it!
All my blogs take a bit longer than usual to load as they are photo rich and I like a larger format for photos. While it is annoying for how long it takes to load - I decided it's best to stick with the rich and beautiful format instead of quick to load but visually dull to look at. Besides, who ever said I was a conformist? :) Hopefully, the flickr slideshow will keep you entertained, amused and enriched while the page loads.
Again, thank you everyone for signing up on this feed, much appreciated!
Photo by StuSeeger @ flickr